Sunday, September 06, 2015

Error 203 using Visual Studio 2010 to connect to Cloud TFS

I was trying to connect VS2010 Project onto Team Foundation Server on cloud, and received following error -
HTTP code 203: Non-Authoritative Information

The following are the prerequisites that are required to accomplish this task.
  1. Visual Studio 2010 SP1 Team Foundation Server 2012 Compatibility GDR - This patch found here provides compatibility between all VS2010 products that connect to Team Foundation Server 2012 (on premise) or the Team Foundation Sever on the Cloud
  2. You must have Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2010 installed before installing the hot-fix above.

After installing the prerequisites, fire up Visual Studio 2010 and click on File > Open > Team Project from the IDE to connect to TFS

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