Thursday, April 30, 2015

Did you know?

Did you know?
Nad Ali or Nad-e Ali is a district in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Marja is an unincorporated agricultural district in Nad Ali. The area is irrigated by the Helmand and Arghandab Valley Authority. A small town of the same name lies 11km to the west of the Helmand River.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Thumbnails of a YouTube Video

All the different thumbnail sizes of a YouTube video are accessible from a standard format. All you need is the unique video ID (viewable in the URL of your video).
Thumbnail Image Format: The file name depends on which thumbnail size you are looking for.

There are several to choose from:
  • or – full size thumb
  • – medium default
  • – high res
  • – small thumb
  • - small thumb
  • - small thumb

Example Usage

Using this information and the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin allowed me to have the client simply enter the ID of the video they wanted, and the rest was taken care of by the code and CSS. The thumbnail is displayed in an HTML element that is styled as if it were a player; with a video frame background image and an overlaid transparent play button. I then had this open a a modal window with the embedded video.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Tasbih app for Android

Tasbih app for Android

On the occasion of Wiladat (Birth) of Bibi Fatima Zahra (a.s.), we have launched a Tasbih app. This app will give you experience unlike other Tasbih app, with a rich graphical and intuitive interface.
Download from Play store -